Jakarta DPRD Member From PKS Dies Due To Diabetes

JAKARTA - Member of DPRD DKI Jakarta PKS Faction Dany Anwar has died. Secretary of the PKS DPRD DKI Faction Ahmad Yani said, Dany died in the hospital this morning.

"He was admitted to the Mintoharjo Navy Hospital. Then, we pray for his recovery. The latest information, he said, has been summoned by Allah SWT," said Yani when contacted, Monday, August 3.

Adding, Chairman of Commission A DPRD DKI Mujiyono said that so far, Dany has diabetes or high sugar levels. Mujiyono admitted that the health condition of the Secretary of Faction A had deteriorated in the last few weeks.

"For almost 2 weeks, he hasn't been active. During the meeting last week, Mr. Dany was not there (to attend the meeting). Said a Commission A friend from PKS, the sugar was high," said Mujiyono.

Mujiyono had the impression that Dany left behind when he worked as a Commission. Mujiyono said that Dany was a person who was always on time at work, especially at DPRD meetings.

In addition, Dany, according to Mujiyono, is a person who is careful in analyzing problems in the policies of the DKI Provincial Government, as well as presenting arguments in straightforward language.

"Pak Dany can control the situation when chairing the meeting. Cooperation between the leaders is also good. When talking neatly, the format is measured. The talk is loud but full, that's how it is," explained Mujiyono.

"Ah, I feel sad, right," he continued.

For information, Dany Anwar was the Cawagub DKI accompanying Cagub Adang Daradjatun which was promoted by the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) for the 2007-2012 period. Dany was also the Chairman of the Central Jakarta DPD PKS 1998-2002 period to the 2002-2006 PKS Jakarta DPW Chair.

In the first 1999 election, Dany Anwar was elected as a member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD for the 1999-2004 period. He returned to be a member of the next DPRD in 2004-2009. Then, Dany became a member of the DPD RI for the 2009-2014 period. Currently, he is a member of the DKI DPRD for the 2019-2024 period.