142 Families In Batu City Will Be Evacuated Anticipating Follow-Up Floods

KOTA BATU - Head of the Batu City Disaster Emergency Response Team, East Java, Punjul Santoso said his party would evacuate all residents living on the banks of the Brantas River in anticipation of subsequent flooding.

Because it is predicted that high intensity rain will continue and there is the potential for further flooding. According to Punjul, a total of around 142 families affected by the flash flood live on the banks of the river.

"We will evacuate residents to evacuation posts that we have prepared in each sub-district. We will evacuate them if there is high intensity rain,” said Punjul, Sunday, November 7.

Punjul, who is also the deputy mayor of Batu City, explained that temporary evacuation posts will be prepared at village offices and residents' homes far from flood points.

"We have also prepared a number of teams for 24 hours," he explained.

The Disaster Emergency Response Team along with TNI-Polri personnel and Basarnas carried out a river crossing to ensure that natural dams were damaged and covered with dead trees, resulting in flash floods.

“Meanwhile, it has been mapped at various points. We will inform you of the results later,” he concluded.

As previously reported, flash floods on Thursday, November 4, resulted in 7 deaths.

A number of damage to public facilities also occurred at 8 points. Starting in Sidomulyo Village, Bulukerto Village, Sumberbrantas Village, Bumiaji Village, Tulungrejo Village, Punten Village, Sumbergondo Village and Giripurno Village.