Non-Foreign Figures On The Tax Oversight Committee

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati inaugurated a tax supervisory committee for the period 2019-2022 which is targeted to assist the government in boosting tax revenue. Familiar figures in the Indonesian economy filled the posts in the Committee.

"I hope this committee will continue to provide quality input, on time, on issues, so that it can continue to improve the performance of the tax institution," he said after inaugurating the tax supervisory committee in Jakarta, Friday, December 20.

Former Deputy Minister of Finance Mardiasmo became Chairman of the Tax Supervisory Committee, supported by six other familiar figures in the Indonesian economy. They include Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) Hadiyanto, Inspector General of the Ministry of Finance Sumiyati who are both ex officio and Former Director General of Taxes Robert Pakpahan.

In addition, Professor of Tax Policy at the University of Indonesia Haula Rosdiana, senior economist Anton Gunawan and a former director at Customs and Excise, Marisi.

"I hope this committee will become a credible mediator from the business world and stakeholders on the quality of our performance and in the good performance of the Directorate General of Taxes and Customs," said the Minister.

The committee, continued the Minister of Finance, is expected to provide input to the government, one of which is to boost state revenues, especially the tax sector.

Based on the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 63 / PMK.09 / 2016 concerning Amendments to the Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 54 / PMK.09 / 2008 concerning the Tax Supervisory Committee it is stated that the Tax Supervisory Committee is a non-structural and independent committee whose task is to assist the Minister of Finance in conducting supervision on tax policy and implementation of tax administration.

The scope of supervisory duties includes, among others, agencies that formulate tax policies and agencies authorized to administer taxation in the areas of tax, customs and excise.

The Minister of Finance noted that the realization of state revenue from January to November 2019 reached IDR 1,677.1 trillion or 77.5 percent of the State Budget (APBN) target of IDR 2,165.1 trillion. This achievement was up 0.9 percent compared to the same period in 2018.

The former Managing Director of the World Bank said that the global economy is currently experiencing tremendous pressure which has resulted in a weak level of confidence in the prospects for policies in developed countries going forward.

The uncertain condition, he said, discouraged investment and created pessimism in developed countries. "Tax revenue, extensification, effectiveness, ease of paying taxes are parts that we need to improve," he said.