These Are Tips For Maintaining Mental Health In The Style Of Maudy Ayunda In The Midst Of The COVID-19 Pandemic, You Can Also Do It

JAKARTA - Many are confused and stressed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Don't be confused, there are simple tips by singer and movie star Maudy Ayunda. Who knows if it's suitable for your condition.

Maudy Ayunda admitted that she was also affected by COVID-19 which made her a little overwhelmed. Because during the pandemic he was also conducting study abroad which made it increasingly difficult to connect with the closest people.

Luckily, Maudy was able to immediately solve the problems faced because of this pandemic by trying to be closer to himself. "If I think about helping connect to myself, so how can I be more connected to myself, that's what I did during this pandemic to maintain mental health," said Maudy at the Virtual Press Conference AERIS Beauté X Maudy Ayunda Beauty Beyond Skin Deep, recently as reported by

Maudy shares tips to be more connected to yourself and maintain mental health during the pandemic, here are the tips:

1. Go New
Maudy Ayunda has a hobby of horse riding. (Insatgram @maudyayunda)

Maudy admits that she has loved books since she was a child. Apart from books, she also enjoys listening to music. But since the pandemic he has also developed a new hobby, namely farming. "So, since the pandemic, I like plants, so I read more books and listen to calm music too," he said.

2. Journal writing

Writing can make the mind calmer, Maudy admits that he often writes down what he feels all day, this helps him to reflect more on himself.

"So if it's been written, even though there are any problems when I read it, I feel like I can just face it all," he said.

Maudy Ayunda with family. (Insatgram @maudyayunda)
3. Stay Connected with Others

Even though you can't meet in person, it's important to stay connected with the people closest to you. For example by making phone calls, chatting or video calls.

4. Get Closer to Nature
Maudy Ayunda often travels to mountainous areas while walking leisurely. (Instagram @maudyayunda)

In addition to farming, during the pandemic Maudy also admitted that he was closer to nature. "I hiked a few times, this can make us calm and we can appreciate nature," he said. Let's not wait any longer, just do what you can. Physical health alone is not enough. Spiritual health must also be maintained. Greetings to all of you.