Celebrate Heroes' Day By Commemorating The Struggle In The Film Merdeka Or Mati Soerabaia 45

JAKARTA - Heroes' Day is commemorated every November 10 to remember the Surabaya battle that took place in 1945. The incident began with the tearing of the Red and White Blue Flag above the Yamato Hotel on September 19, 1945.

Then President Soekarno ordered a ceasefire on October 29, 1945. Fighting broke out again on October 30, 1945. In that battle, the total strength of the allied troops was around 15,000 troops.

Around 6000 Indonesian people died in the battle in Surabaya. The fighting lasted for three weeks. The Battle of Surabaya on November 10, 1945 was also designated as Hero's Day through Presidential Decree No. 316 of 1959 on December 16, 1959.

To commemorate the spirit of struggle, tvOne will broadcast a special historical film, Merdeka or Mati Soerabaia 45 on Sunday, November 7, 2021, at 20.00 WIB.

Merdeka or Mati Soerabaia 45 is an Indonesian struggle film released in 1990. This film was directed by Imam Tantowi and starred Nyoman Swadayani, Leo Kristi and Usman Effendy.

The proclamation of independence echoed, but the people of Surabaya did not seem to believe that the proclamation was true. The proclamation was welcomed by the people. Japan is still in power but has no more spurs, Indonesia's independence seems not to be considered by Japan.

Indonesia then had to have a navy and seize all existing bases in Surabaya from the hands of the Japanese. Meanwhile efforts to disarm the Japanese were also carried out.

Japan had actually lost due to World War 2 which destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So that the de facto leadership and Japanese occupation in Indonesia no longer has power.

The youth of Surabaya then formed the red and white movement to demand the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. The story of the war which became known as the events of November 10 in Surabaya. These include the incendiary figure, Bung Tomo, the tearing of the Dutch flag, the shooting of the British general and others. This film seems to be a visual reconstruction of a heroic story from the eyes of ordinary people.