Alleged Corruption In Formula E Now Targeted By KPK

JAKARTA - The polemic related to Formula E in DKI Jakarta has entered a new phase. The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) admits it is investigating allegations of corruption from international racing events that have always been in the public spotlight. Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, finally opened his voice and admitted that his party was investigating allegations of corruption in the electric car race. He said, currently collecting evidence and information by summoning those suspected of being related.

"KPK is asking for information and clarification from several parties to collect data and information or information needed by the investigative team," said Ali. He said the investigation was a follow-up to reports submitted by the public. Ali said that there were people who were suspicious of the process of organizing Formula E in DKI Jakarta and reported it to the KPK. During the investigation, Ali has not detailed who the parties have been summoned, including the mode of corruption that is suspected to have occurred. The reason is that the KPK is currently only collecting information. However, Ali asked the entire community to continue to monitor the work of the anti-corruption commission. This needs to be done as a form of control over the institution. "Because it is still in the early process of collecting information, we cannot present the investigation material at this time," he said. E. He said that his subordinates were currently working and asked the community to be patient.

The former deputy for prosecution of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) also ensured that anyone found guilty of corruption would be dealt with indiscriminately. This is done as an effort by the KPK to realize a corruption-free Indonesia. "KPK will never tire of eradicating corruption. Whoever the perpetrators are, we will take firm action according to the provisions of the law," said Firli. "The KPK's attitude which moved quickly to trace the alleged corruption of Formula E later received appreciation from the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI). MAKI Coordinator Boyamin Saiman said this quick response deserved appreciation because the KPK heard the public's report. Moreover, this competition is considered a form of budget waste. "MAKI welcomes and gives appreciation to the KPK for responding quickly to things that the public understands as a waste," said Boyamin to reporters, Friday, November 5. asked the anti-corruption commission to immediately investigate the overpayment made by BUMD companies in DKI Jakarta to the competition organizers. Boyamin said that the high cost of paying could be a corruption loophole. This Formula E race pays the most expensive royalties. So this must be investigated whether there is a deviation or the price paid must be like that, "he added. "There are several parties who participate as promoters or take part in this Formula E event. Well, it seems that some parties are active as if participating and it is suspected that there is a concession," said Boyamin. "This must be investigated by the KPK. How the price formed from royalties is actually more expensive than other cities. Is there any form of waste or deviation," he concluded.