Ask Jokowi Not To Choose BLBI Questions, Refly Harun: Like The KPK Is Busy Finding Formula E Mistakes

JAKARTA - The Task Force for Handling State Collection Rights for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund (BLBI) has confiscated the guaranteed assets of PT Timor Putera Nasional (PTN) in Karawang Regency, West Java today.

This 124-hectare land asset, located in the Dawuan area, Karawang Regency, West Java, belongs to the youngest son of former President Suharto, Hutomo Mandala Putra alias Tommy Suharto.

Constitutional Law expert Refly Harun said the government's efforts should have been carried out from the start. Not only to the Suharto family, which in a political context is at odds with the government, but to all parties.

"I don't think it's just about Pak Harto's family, which may not have a link with the current government. It can even be said that they are face to face, diametrically, yes, the party that Tommy Suharto is leading did not support President Jokowi, for example in yesterday's presidential election," explained Refly Harun, quoted from Youtube channel, @Refly Harun, Friday, November 5th.

Refly added, assets belonging to parties involved in BLBI must be confiscated without selective discrimination. It can't be because there are parties who are close to the government or become 'bookies' during the last General Election (Pemilu), the action is actually blunt.

"So there must be a firmness of the government of President Jokowi regarding this. And we must support that, yes, for good things we must support, the important thing is not to play selectively,"

"Just like for example, now the KPK is busy looking for something wrong with Formula E. Meanwhile, the big cases that are in front of our eyes are not followed up, including for example this BLBI. The state was harmed by hundreds of trillions at that time," said Refly.

Refly emphasized that anyone involved in corruption cannot be separated. It's just that the investigation process, case investigation must be genuine, don't find fault or cover up mistakes.

For information, the Daily Head of the BLBI Task Force, Rionald Silaban, said that the asset was taken after making efforts to collect PT TPN's obligations.

"The collection of PT TPN's obligations comes from loans from several banks," he said in a press statement on Friday, November 5.

According to Rionald, the outstanding value of PT TPN's debt to the government which was billed by the State Receivables Affairs Committee (PUPN) after adding the administrative costs for managing state receivables (10%) was more than Rp. 2.61 trillion.

"(The amount) is in accordance with PJPN-375/PUPNC.10.05/2009 dated June 24, 2009," he said.

Furthermore, Sri Mulyani's subordinate revealed that the collection made by PUPN had reached the stage of issuing a letter of confiscation on PT TPN's guaranteed assets.

"However, the implementation of the confiscation of assets cannot be carried out because of obstacles in the field and today it is carried out," he said.

In detail, Rionald explained that the PUPN bailiff had confiscated and installed a sign on 4 land assets which were PT TPN's credit guarantees. Meanwhile, the four assets are:

1. Land with an area of 530,125,526 m2 is located in Kamojing Village, Karawang Regency as stated in SHGB Number 4/Kamojing on behalf of PT KIA Timor Motors.

2. The land area of 98,896,700 m2 is located in Kalihurip Village, Karawang Regency as stated in SHGB Number 22/Kalihurip on behalf of PT KIA Timor Motors.

3. Land with an area of 100,985.15 m2 is located in Cikampek Pusaka Village, Karawang Regency as stated in SHGB Number 5/Cikampek Pusaka on behalf of PT KIA Timor Motors.

4. Land with an area of 518,870 m2 is located in Kamojing Village, Karawang Regency as stated in SHGB No

3/ Kamojing on behalf of PT Timor Industri Components.

"For PT TPN's collateral assets that have been confiscated, the management process will continue through the PUPN mechanism, namely open sales (auctions)," he said.

For information, the firm action against the business entity owned by Hutomo Mandala Putra alias Tommy Suharto was carried out by cooperating with a number of elements, including the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police, the West Java Police, and supported by the Military District Command (Kodim) 0604 Karawang, and the Satpol PP.

In addition, this confiscation was also accompanied by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) and the National Land Agency (BPN).

"The BLBI Task Force will continue to collect obligations from obligors/debtors and exercise control over collateral assets so that the return of BLBI funds obligations can be realized immediately," concluded Rionald.