Moeldoko: President Obeys The Rules, Lives The Quarantine Best

JAKARTA - Indonesian President Joko Widodo will begin the self-quarantine process at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, after making a working visit to a number of countries a few days ago.

"He will carry out the (quarantine) as well as possible," said Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko, Friday, November 5.

Moeldoko guarantees that Jokowi pays high attention to law enforcement. Therefore, the president will undergo quarantine according to applicable regulations.

"He will carry out the rules, therefore when he leads cabinet meetings he is always concerned with enforcing the rules, so he will carry out the best," explained Moeldoko.

Previously reported, Indonesian President Joko Widodo arrived in the country, Friday morning, after making a working visit to a number of countries.

Unlike usual, this time there was not a single official to pick up the President's arrival from overseas visits.

In response to this, the Head of the Presidential Secretariat explained that according to the applicable regulations, every Indonesian citizen (WNI) who had just returned from an overseas trip was required to undergo quarantine.

"Therefore, the President asked us not to need a pickup, because upon arrival in the country, the President will immediately carry out an independent quarantine at the Bogor Presidential Palace with attached devices," said Heru.

In addition, during quarantine, said Heru, the President will live separately from his family at Wisma Bayurini in accordance with the quarantine procedures.

The Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) as the Head of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Ganip Warsito confirmed that the President would carry out self-quarantine.

"We, the Task Force for Handling COVID-19, give discretion to officials at the ministerial level and above to carry out self-quarantine," said Ganip.

Ganip explained that even though the President is self-quarantining, he is still required to do a PCR test upon arrival at the quarantine area, must wear a mask, avoid face-to-face activities, and carry out a PCR test on the third day.

Regarding the length of quarantine, Ganip said that according to Circular No. 20 of 2021 concerning International Travel Health Protocols during the COVID-19 Pandemic, international travelers who have received the full dose of vaccine are required to quarantine for 3x24 hours.

"We know that the President has received a complete dose of vaccine so that the quarantine is carried out for 3x24 hours. After undergoing quarantine for three days and getting negative results in both PCR tests, the President can return to his activities," said Ganip.