Odd Even Belaku Tomorrow, Ticketing Begins To Be Implemented August 6

JAKARTA - The Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya will re-implement the odd-even system for motor vehicles in DKI Jakarta starting Monday, August 3. Socialization will be carried out during the first three days before the ticket enforcement takes effect.

Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo said ticket enforcement will take effect on Thursday, August 6. Tickets will be carried out manually or through an electronic traffic law enforcement (ETLE) system.

"During these three days we will carry out socialization first, meaning that Monday, Tuesday Wednesday we will not take action with a ticket, either manually or by ETLE. On Thursday, August 6, we will take action against vehicles that violate odd regulations. even, "he said, in Jakarta, Sunday, August 2.

Sambodo explained, in the next three days, his party would only take sanctions in the form of warnings as well as socialization of the odd-even application of four-wheeled riders.

"Vehicles ending in even then run on the ganji date or vice versa, the officers will still stop the vehicle. Then they will be reprimanded but will not be ticketed yet," he said.

According to Sambodo, this odd-even policy must of course be followed by other policies. One of them is the arrangement of shifting to and from the office.

"Yesterday, the task force delivered a division of time to enter the office, there was a division of 50 percent work from home," he said.

Not only that, Sambodo said, the imposition of an odd-even system must also be accompanied by improvements in the addition of capacity in public transportation. Especially the routes that are carried out are even odd.

"The routes that have an odd number of evenings are Transjakarta, MRT, Sudirman and Thamrin. So that with this enforcement, the traffic situation will be better. Congestion can be reduced," he said.

According to Sambodo, this is also an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Given, currently the number of new positive in Jakarta is increasing.

Furthermore, Sambodo explained, in the last ten days of compliance operations there were recorded that there were 67 thousand vehicles that had violated the rules and had taken action. Of that number, 23 thousand cases were categorized as fines, while 44 thousand were only subject to reprimands.

Sanctions for reprimands are carried out against residents who violate traffic rules, as well as violators of the COVID-19 protocol rules.

"Of the 23 thousand violations, most were violations against traffic flow and violations that occurred on the busway lane," he said.

For your information, the odd-even rule will come back into effect starting Monday, August 3. Odd-even application will take effect between 06.00-10.00 WIB and 16.00-21.00 WIB.

The regulation applies in the following areas:

1. Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat

2. Jalan MH Thamrin

3. Jalan Jenderal Sudirman

4. Jalan Jenderal S Parman, starting from the intersection of Jalan Tomang Raya to Jalan Gatot Subroto

5. Jalan Gatot Subroto

6. Jalan MT Haryono

7. Jalan HR Rasuna Said

8. Jalan DI Panjaitan

9. Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, starting from the intersection of Jalan Bekasi Timur Raya to the intersection of Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan

10. Jalan Besar Pintu Selatan

11. Jalan Gajah Mada

12. Hayam Wuruk Street

13. Jalan Majapahit

14. Sisingamangaraja Street

15. Jalan Panglima Polim

16. Jalan Fatmawati, starting from the intersection of Jalan Ketimun 1 until the intersection of Jalan TB Simatupang

17. Jalan Suryopranoto

18. Jalan Balikpapan

19. Jalan Kyai Caringin

20. Jalan Tomang Raya

21. Street Scout

22. Jalan Salemba Raya on the west side and Jalan Salemba Raya on the east side, starting from the intersection of Jalan Paseban Raya to the intersection of Jalan Diponegoro

23. Jalan Kramat Raya

24. Jalan Station Senen

25. Jalan Gunung Sahari