General Andika Perkasa Is Considered Suitable To Be TNI Commander, NasDem Is Sure That The Fit And Proper Test Will Run Smoothly

JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives Commission I, the NasDem faction, Hasbi Anshory, assessed that President Joko Widodo's selection of General Andika Perkasa as the sole candidate for TNI Commander in Chief had gone through careful consideration.

According to Hasbi, Andika Perkasa's figure is an experienced soldier and has many proud achievements. So according to him, Andika deserves and deserves to be the commander of the TNI.

"His achievements are many. It fits very well," Hasbi told reporters, Friday, November 5.

Hasbi also believes that with the track record and experience of Andika Perkasa, who currently serves as the Army Chief of Staff, the fit and proper test will be passed smoothly.

"I can't see other parties' views. But for me personally it's smooth and running smoothly," he continued.

This is because, said Hasbi, so far the communication between members of Commission I of the DPR and General Andika Perkasa has been very good.

"Our relationship (Commission I DPR, ed) with General Andika is very good. It seems that there are no obstacles," said Hasbi.

It is known that Commission I of the DPR will hold a fit and proper test for the candidate for the Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, General Andika Perkasa, tomorrow, Saturday, November 6.