Batu City Flash Flood Update, Death Toll Becomes 6 People

JAKARTA - The search and rescue of residents by a joint team after the flash flood that hit Batu City, East Java continues.

As of today at 11.00 WIB, 6 people were found dead, from previously reported missing. Until now, there are still 3 other residents who were reported missing and are still being searched.

"The six victims who died were Wiji, a resident of Bulukerto Village, Sarip, a resident of Bulukerto Village, Adi Wibowo, a resident of Bulukerto Village, Wakri, a resident of Tawangargo Village, Mahendra Feri, a resident of Gintung Hamlet and Alverta Shenazia Arvisa Vindra, a resident of Gintung Hamlet," said Plt. Head of BNPB Disaster Data and Communication Center Abdul Muhari in his statement, Friday, November 5.

As a step to accelerate the handling of the Batu City flash flood, the joint team continues to seek and help the victims of the Batu City flash flood by following the tributaries of the Brantas Watershed (DAS).

Meanwhile, the other teams also focused on cleaning up the mud and debris that had been washed away by the flash flood from the upstream area on the slopes of Mount Arjuno.

"Other joint teams have also sought refugee camps and logistics distribution for residents affected by flash floods. The weather conditions at the location are reported to be sunny and cloudy," he explained.

Floods were recorded to have affected six villages in Bumiaji District with details covering Sumber Brantas Village, Bulu Kerto Village, Tulung Rejo Village, Padang Rejo Village, Sido Mulyo Village and Punten Village.

As for the material damage caused by this flash flood, 17 houses were damaged, 28 motorcycles were damaged, 3 cars were damaged, 8 livestock were swept away by the swift current of the river, and 6 livestock cages were heavily damaged.