Looking At the Djoko Tjandra' Cell in Salemba Detention Center

JAKARTA - Criminal investigators put the convicted case of Bank Bali claim rights (cassie), Djoko Tjandra, in one of the cells of the Salemba Detention Center (Rutan), the National Police Headquarters branch. Behind bars, Djoko Tjandra was placed alone.

"There are no (cellmates) yet," Director of Criminal Investigation, Brigadier General Ferdy Sambo, told VOI, Saturday, August 1.

There are no other prisoners in his cell because Djoko Tjandra was placed in a special cell. The cell room is still new so that there are not many prisoners.

In addition, during his detention for examining his several cases, Djoko Tjandra will not enjoy luxury facilities. A thin bed is the only place to sleep.

"The facilities must be the same as the others," said Ferdy.

Based on the photos, Djoko Tjandra's detention cell room looks quite large. There are not many facilities there. Only a large bed like a holding cell with a cubicle toilet beside it.

Sel Djoko Tjandra di Rutan Salemba (Sumber: Humas Mabes Polri)

Djoko Tjandra was arrested in Malaysia, on Thursday, July 30. He was a fugitive case of transfer of rights which resulted in the replacement of Bank Bali creditors, worth IDR 904 billion handled by the Attorney General's Office.

The prosecutor's office had arrested Joko Tjandra on September 29, 1999, until August 2000. However, a South Jakarta District Court judge ruled he was free from charges because his actions were not criminal but civil.

In addition, the Attorney General's Office submitted a PK to Djoko's case to the Supreme Court in October 2008. Finally, the panel of judges sentenced him to two years in prison against Djoko Tjandra and he had to pay IDR 15 million.  Djoko's money at Bank Bali was IDE 546.166 billion and was seized by the state.