300 Malang Residents Refuge To Jatimulyo And Senaputra Tourism Park Due To Flash Flood

JAKARTA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Malang City stated that hundreds of residents of Malang City, East Java, had to evacuate due to flash floods that hit the Batu City area.

Malang City BPBD Head Alie Mulyanto said there were two refugee camps in the Malang City area, namely Jatimulyo Village and Senaputra Tourism Park.

"Residents were evacuated because their houses are in vulnerable areas or prone to the impact of flash floods," said Alie in Malang City, as reported by Antara, Friday, November 5.

Alie explained that at the Jatimulyo Village refugee camp there were approximately 150 residents who had fled. Then, at the Senaputra Tourism Park there were also 150 residents who were evacuated because they were affected by flash floods.

According to him, heavy rains in the Batu City area caused the Brantas River to overflow and flow rapidly. This condition endangers the safety of residents. The Malang City BPBD noted that at least seven houses were affected, or washed away by the current.

"The total number of houses affected is approximately 150 units. For reports of houses being swept away, for now there are seven houses. Seven of them collapsed, or were washed away, or partially affected," he said.

Based on a report received by the Malang City BPBD, when there was a flash flood in the Batu City area, not long ago the Malang City area also experienced an overflow of water in the Brantas River. The overflow is accompanied by mud and debris.

"The river's height was reported at four meters at that time. For floods that are at home, it goes up to 90 centimeters," he said.

Flash floods occurred in the Batu City area, East Java on Thursday afternoon, around 14.00 WIB. The flash flood was caused by heavy rain.

Based on a visual report from the Batu City BPBD, the current of the Brantas tributary that passes through Sumber Brantas Village is flowing very fast carrying mud, stones and tree pieces.

The flash flood that occurred in Batu City, affected six areas. The six areas are Sambong Hamlet, Bulukerto Village, Bumiaji District, Jalan Raya Dieng, Sidomulyo Village, Batu District, and Hamlet Beru, Bulukerto Village, Bumiaji District.

Then, Sumber Brantas Village, Bumiaji District, Selecta Highway, Tulungrejo Village, Batu District and Gemulo Hamlet, Punten Village, Bumiaji District.

The flash flood also had a considerable impact on the Malang City area which is located at the bottom of Batu City, especially in areas close to the Brantas River flow. BPBD Malang City is still conducting data collection related to the impact of the disaster.