Vanessa Angel And Aunt Ardiansyah's Funeral Took Place With Rain

JAKARTA - The bodies of Vanessa Angel and Aunt Ardiansyah finally arrived at the Malacca TPU cemetery, South Jakarta on Friday, November 5. The two bodies were delivered by an ambulance after being prayed at the mosque near their residence in Srengseng, West Jakarta.

Reporting from, the weather at the cemetery was cloudy with a drizzle of rain which made the atmosphere darker. Family and relatives have started to come to the cemetery to see Vanessa and Bibi's bodies buried in a grave.

Bibi's body was first put into the grave. While Vanessa's body is still in the ambulance, it will be put into the grave after Aunt's body has been placed.

Indeed, the family requested that Vanessa and Bibi be buried in the same grave. Meanwhile, the bodies of Vanessa and Bibi arrived at the funeral home on Friday, November 5 at dawn after arriving from Surabaya, East Java.

The families welcomed the bodies of Aunt and Vanessa with deep sadness, because they were very surprised by the sudden departure of Vanessa and Aunt due to an accident.

Vanessa and Bibi had an accident on the Nganjuk Toll Road, East Java on Thursday, November 4. Vanessa and Bibi died at the scene, while their child survived and suffered only minor injuries.

It is suspected that the car that Vanessa Angel and Bibi Ardiansyah were traveling in hit the road divider and bounced off because the driver was tired and sleepy so he couldn't focus when driving the car.