Perseverance Finds Stone Arrangements Similar To Stairs And Giant Frogs On Mars

JAKARTA - NASA's Mars rover, Perseverance, regularly uploads images from its journey on the red planet. The most recent photo they sent now shows a strange 'ladder' made of Martian rock.

While these aren't things most humans can see with their own eyes, robots like Perseverance make them accessible to everyone. Whether it's Perseverance, Curiosity, or the Ingenuity helicopter, these state-of-the-art robots regularly capture and share incredible photos from over 240 million miles away.

Becoming a skilled photographer isn't the only goal of these robots, but it's certainly one of their more interesting abilities.

Always looking to improve himself, Perseverance has just uploaded another batch of images from his adventures on Mars. Taken with the Front Left Hazard Avoidance Camera from Perseverance A and acquired by NASA on November 3rd, the photo has a lot to offer.

It shows a larger rock towards the bottom left of the frame, part of Perseverance visible towards the right, and the eerie Martian sky in the background. The most important thing was the 'ladder' between the boulder and Perseverance. Although technically this isn't a ladder, it does look like a ladder.

These rocks have positioned themselves upwards as if helping someone traverse the surface of the Red Planet. The details on this 'ladder of Mars' are just as interesting. We can clearly see the rough texture on the sides, orange dust covering the top, and smaller rocks resting on top.

Martian Rocks Have Many Interesting Shapes

This is not the first time Perseverance has found similar objects on Planet Earth hidden behind the rocks of Mars. In late October, Perseverance found a rock that looked like a giant frog.

Another photo from earlier in the year shows a rock that resembles a Martian worm. Most of the rocks on Mars are shaped like ordinary rocks, but on occasion, Perseverance finds rocks that are very unique in shape.

Images like these are what make robots like Perseverance so important. Anyone reading this article is highly unlikely to set foot on Mars in their lifetime. That fact may be disappointing to some, but these photos help a little.

We can sit back on Earth, not worry about the harsh reality of actually being on Mars, and still experience the planet as if we were there.