Exclusive Rizky Nazar Optimistic That Indonesian Series Can Compete Abroad

JAKARTA - The Indonesian series is showing off overseas. Over the top (OTT) series 9 Months, Antares, and Little Mom have become favorites in many countries. The quality and content of Indonesian serial stories can compete with other countries' productions. No wonder Rizky Nazar believes that the Cinta Fitri series he stars in will also be accepted abroad.

Not without reason when Cinta Fitri convinced Rizky Nazar. Because the soap opera is also popular in Malaysia and Singapore.

Cinta Fitri is a soap opera that was once a public idol in the 2000s era. With 1,002 episodes in 7 seasons, the soap opera Cinta Fitri is the best record from the MD Pictures production house.

Under the direction of film director Anggy Umbara, the series got a modern twist to air on WeTV. Rizky Nazar admitted that he was enthusiastic about joining a series adapted from a famous soap opera.

Rizky Nazar (Photo: MD Pictures, DI: Raga/VOI)

"I'm happy, excited too. I'm happy to be part of a big and legendary project, of course. A long soap opera because many people know," said Rizky Nazar to the VOI team, in Kuningan, South Jakarta, some time ago.

Getting the role of Farrell, formerly played by Tengku Wisnu, Rizky Nazar admitted that he was both honored and burdened. He did not want to disappoint soap opera fans. But also want to attract new audiences.

"And I'm also nervous because I'm curious about the response from the audience. Farrell, who used to be played by Tengku Wisnu, was very successful for seven seasons on the soap opera. Hopefully I can bring success first to the current series. I hope you like it," he hoped.

The burden of responsibility to Cinta Fitri fans is made by him. "Yes, it must be a burden, because Cinta Fitri was very successful. Tengku Wisnu's fans were just too many from Cinta Fitri. But I'm quite confident with the results," he said.

Rizky Nazar (Photo: MD Pictures, DI: Raga/VOI)

What made him sure? "Because before I saw the results, Pak Manoj Punjabi, Mas Anggy Umbara said they really liked it. Pak Manoj said they really liked it. I believe in Pak Manoj, so it's a little fresh from my worries. Hopefully the results are good," he said.

According to Rizky Nazar, the Cinta Fitri series is more modern and interesting. Because this series encapsulates a long story, it becomes more compact. "Every scene will be fun and here it is made with really good cinematography. And also a cool scenario. So I believe this will be something cool," he said.

Malang across the soap opera before entering the series, Rizky Nazar admitted that the quality of the series was different from that of the artist. "It's different, it's very different. Because from the preparation it might be considered more serious. Maybe the preparation for the soap opera at the beginning was also serious, but after it aired, there must be a quality that cannot be obtained in such a short time," he explained.

"The actual shooting process is more or less the same. But here we don't get chased by time like in soap operas. And we can relax more, observe more, think more about where we want to go. We have more freedom of expression here," he added.

Rizky Nazar (Photo: MD Pictures, DI: Raga/VOI)

The Cinta Fitri series airs on WeTV so that it can also be enjoyed abroad. Rizky Nazar is enthusiastic about the screening of Cinta Fitri abroad.

"Hopefully I can be successful outside too. I'm a PD with cool results like this. Hopefully it can be accepted outside," he explained.

Screening on OTT, he continued, motivates filmmakers to improve quality. "So that Indonesian films continue to improve with tougher competition, if it comes to international, we are motivated to make it even better, even better. It's definitely fun," he said.

How optimistic is Cinta Fitri will be accepted abroad? "I'm quite optimistic, because the preparation for this series is not kidding. And the director who is hired is also a film director who usually works on out of the box and cool films. I am confident with the provisions in this series," he explained.

Rizky Nazar (Photo: MD Pictures, DI: Raga/VOI)

Rizky Nazar's experience in the series made him dream of the future. "I don't know what the future will be like. If the character never imagined. As long as the story is good, I will do it," he explained.

"In the future, I hope that Indonesian films with OTT will allow outsiders to watch. Hopefully the films will be able to compete with Korea. An Asian country that has had global success in its films," he said.

In terms of story, he continued, Indonesian series is not inferior to foreign series. "And shooting is also not inferior. What we need is more trust from the Indonesian audience to watch it on the official OTT. Not through pirated, so we can make it even better," he said.

Rizky Nazar (Photo: MD Pictures, DI: Raga/VOI)

Digital piracy, he continued, became very easy to do. Even the broadcast time is also not far from the official broadcast. This made Rizky Nazar worried.

"So if you watch pirated stats, the statistics don't come in. The data doesn't exist, so we can't know whether our products are good or not. That's why it's very important not to watch via pirated ones," he ordered.

Rizky Nazar emphasized that there is something that must be improved in order to penetrate the world market. "The important thing is that we are PD, we can explore more. We have a lot of fun and exciting culture. I believe in the future we can move forward," he said.