Men Thief 30 Clothes In Banyuwangi Boutique Arrested

BANYUWANGI - A man with the initials AAF (43) was arrested by the police for stealing clothes at a boutique and salon in Genteng Wetan Village, Genteng District, Banyuwangi, East Java.

The theft was revealed from CCTV camera footage. The boutique owner with the initials, TA (26) reported the incident to the police.

The Head of the Tile Police Sector, Kompol Sudarmaji, said the theft of clothes at the boutique occurred last week. Meanwhile, the perpetrator was arrested on Wednesday, November 3 in the morning.

"The perpetrator has been arrested at his residence," said Sudarmaji, Thursday, November 4.

According to the owner of the boutique and salon, the perpetrator took the action when the reported was busy serving customers at his salon.

The perpetrator came with a woman. The two of them went back and forth to the boutique and admitted that they intended to buy clothes.

"At first the boutique owner did not suspect their behavior. The owner realized that a number of his clothes were missing after seeing CCTV footage in the boutique," said Kompol Sudarmaji.

According to the boutique owner, 30 clothes were missing. "The loss is estimated at Rp 5 million," he said.

According to the report, the police arrested the perpetrator. It is currently being investigated whether there is a conspiracy in this theft case.

"Other suspected perpetrators who have not been revealed are still under development. Meanwhile, those who have been caught are threatened with Article 363 paragraph (1) to 4e of the Criminal Code," he concluded.