Ministry Of Transportation Issues New Rules For Travel By Sea Transportation

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Sea Transportation has issued the latest rules for passenger travel by sea transportation.

Acting Director General of Sea Transportation, Arif Toha explained that this new rule will be effective as of November 3, 2021 and refers to the SE Task Force for Handling COVID-19 Number 22 of 2021 and Instructions of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 56 of 2021 and Number 57 of 2021. .

"In this latest SE, ship passengers who will travel from and/or to ports throughout Indonesia no longer need to use a negative PCR test result as a condition of travel," said Arif, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, November 3.

Arif explained that passengers who will take sea transportation are required to bring a certificate of negative Rapid Test Antigen results whose samples are taken within a maximum period of 1x24 hours or at the port before departure.

However, showing a vaccine card (at least the first dose) is still a mandatory requirement for prospective passengers who will use sea transportation.

"Domestic travelers are required to use the PeduliLindung application as a condition for traveling," he said.

Meanwhile, passengers who show symptoms of COVID-19 indications even though based on a certificate show negative results, the passengers are not allowed to continue the journey and are required to carry out an RT-PCR diagnostic test and self-quarantine during the waiting time for the results of the examination.

There is also a requirement to show a vaccine card, except for ship passengers under the age of 12 (twelve) years; the captain and crew of ships working on ships carrying logistics or other goods outside the areas of Java and Bali; passengers with special health conditions or comorbid illnesses that prevent travelers from receiving vaccines.

"For those who cannot receive the vaccine due to comorbid requirements, they must attach a doctor's certificate from the Government Hospital stating that the person concerned has not and/or cannot take the COVID-19 vaccination," he stressed.

Arif advised people who want to travel to always comply with the 6M health protocol, namely wearing masks, washing hands with soap in running water, maintaining distance, staying away from crowds, reducing mobility, and avoiding eating together.

"And you must travel wisely, if it is not an important matter, you should postpone the trip to reduce mobility so that it can reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission," he concluded.