3 Powerful Tips To Improve The Performance Of A Windows 10-Based Computer Or Laptop

YOGYAKARTA - Windows 10 produced by Microsoft is still the most widely used operating system by computer or laptop devices to date.

Although Microsoft has released the latest product, namely Windows 11, a number of users are still loyal to continue using the Windows 10 operating system which is said to remain usable until 2024.

One of the reasons Windows 10 is still used today is that users are still reluctant to use Windows 11 because it still has a number of problems, such as weakening the performance of certain devices.

Another reason is that the computer or laptop that is used does not support updating to the Windows 11 version. One of the reasons is that the device is too old so it cannot use the latest version of the operating system.

One of the problems experienced by old computers or laptops based on the Windows 10 operating system is that their performance begins to decline. It also makes your work take longer to complete.

However, users need not worry because there are a number of ways that can be done to improve the performance of your device so that it is faster when used for work.

The most basic thing that can be done is to carry out regular maintenance or maintenance of your computer device. In addition, the VOI team has compiled 3 tips that you can use to improve the performance of your computer.

Disable Auto Starting Windows 10

The first tip that can be done to improve the performance of your device using Windows 10 is to disable automatic running that runs a number of Windows 10 programs.

The Windows 10 operating system can run automatically on certain devices, so it can affect the performance of your computer or laptop. Therefore, users can disable these features to improve computer or laptop performance.

Installing SSD in Computer or Laptop

The next tip that you can do is to install a solid state drive (SSD), which can improve the performance of your computer device.

SSD itself is designed to make computer devices more efficient in power usage and has technology that can improve software.

You can also easily open more than 2 applications simultaneously on your device without affecting the performance of your computer or laptop.

Upgrade Windows 10 to Latest Version

A powerful tip to improve the performance of the latest computer device is to update the Windows 10 operating system regularly. The reason is, Microsoft often makes updates to improve the operating system they make.

You can also periodically check for updates made by Microsoft in the "Settings" menu. If a system update is available, you can upgrade your Windows 10 to the latest version.

However, before updating, make sure you have backed up any important data you have. The reason is, the process can make a number of data deleted or lost from the device.

Those are the tips that you can do to improve the performance of your computer or laptop that uses the Windows 10 operating system.