Greenomics: President Jokowi's Speech At COP26 According To Satellite Data

JAKARTA - Greenomics Indonesia revealed that President Jokowi's speech at the COP26 Climate Change Summit in Glasgow (1/11/2021) regarding the lowest deforestation rate in the last 20 years was in accordance with satellite data.

“Satellite data cannot be lied to because it can be accessed by anyone. Indonesia's lowest deforestation rate in the last two decades is according to satellite data. President Jokowi's speech is undeniable because it is in accordance with satellite data," Greenomics Indonesia Executive Director Vanda Mutia Dewi, Wednesday, November 3.

The rate of decline in Indonesia's deforestation, continued Vanda, has been verified by an international team of verifiers.

For example, the rate of decline in deforestation during 2014-2016 in the Green Climate Fund (GCF) scheme, where the international verifier team concluded that there had been a decrease in emissions from deforestation and land degradation during that period.

“Satellite data also proves that,” explains Vanda.

The next example, continued Vanda, is the reduction in deforestation during 2016-2017, which has also been verified by a team of international verifiers, who also concluded that Indonesia's deforestation rate has decreased during this period.

"We need to admit that the rate of decline in deforestation that occurred during the Jokowi period has proven to be unprecedented in the era of previous presidents. This conclusion is based on satellite data and the results of international verifiers, not opinions. Satellite data cannot be lied to,” he said.

The lowest rate of decline in deforestation in the last two decades in Indonesia was also appreciated by the US President's Special Climate Envoy John Kerry through the broadcast of his official video recording at the Climate Festival event organized by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (18/10/2021).

Kerry praised the leadership of President Jokowi and Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya that deforestation between 2019 and 2020 was the lowest deforestation in the last 20 years.

“America is a repository of satellite data across time periods. Kerry's praise also refers to satellite data because satellite data cannot be fooled," said Vanda.

Forest and land fires satellite data

Greenomics also explained that satellite data published by the European Union's Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) can be used as a reference to see the decline in forest and land fires (karhutla) in Indonesia, which was part of President Jokowi's speech at COP26.

In 2020, using CAMS satellite data, Vanda stated that the United States and Australia are part of the countries with the largest area of forest and land fires in the world, and they are on the list of the largest emitting countries of forest and land fires.

"Indonesia is not included in the list," explained Vanda.

Meanwhile, in 2021, continued Vanda, CAMS data states that the United States, Canada, some European countries and Russia are the largest contributors to global forest and land fire emissions because they are the countries with the largest forest fires in the world.

"We will see again, Indonesia is not in the list of these countries," he said.

From the satellite data on forest and land fires and the emissions they cause during 2020-2021 published by CAMS, Vanda stated that President Jokowi's speech on reducing forest and land fires in Indonesia was in accordance with global satellite data.

"For two years in a row (2020-2021) in the global period of this pandemic, there has also been no substantial haze disaster in Indonesia. Naturally, CAMS did not include Indonesia in the list of countries contributing to the largest forest and land fires in the world during 2020-2021," he added.

"President Jokowi's speech at COP26 is in accordance with global satellite data," concluded Vanda.