East Kalimantan Governor Isran Noor Conveys Concerns About Mining To The Vice President

SAMARINDA - Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan (Kaltim) Hadi Mulyadi said the Governor of East Kalimantan, Isran Noor, had conveyed the issue of the mining pit that was causing concern to the Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin during a visit to Samarinda.

"It was briefly conveyed, but there was no response because the discussion was different," Hadi said, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, November 3.

He explained that mining permits that were withdrawn to the center caused many things that made local governments (Pemda) not follow up.

"But of course, apart from his presence, we as the local government always expect the relevant parties to exercise strict control," he explained.

Hadi said that the central government had to pay attention, first that several central UPTs were also in East Kalimantan, especially Samarinda.

"Whether it's from PUPR, the environment and forestry must give serious attention to companies in the East Kalimantan environment," said Hadi.

The Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan also emphasized that the problem is a serious matter that must be considered and handled quickly.

"Moreover, we will become the nation's capital, companies in East Kalimantan must also be well managed so that there will be no disaster in the future," he concluded. The central UPT is also in East Kalimantan, especially Samarinda.

PUPR, environment and forestry should pay serious attention to companies in East Kalimantan," said Hadi.