Guidelines For The Implementation Of Eid Al-Adha Prayers In The Adaptation Period For New Habits

JAKARTA - Ahead of the Eid al-Adha prayer 1441 Hijriah, Friday 1 August, various preparations for implementing health protocols have been made to prevent the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.

The Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) issued Fatwa Number 36 of 2020 concerning Eid Al-Adha Prayers and Slaughter of Sacrificial Animals during the COVID-19 Outbreak, while the Ministry of Religion issued Circular Letter Number 18 of 2020.

Likewise, the Ministry of Agriculture has issued guidelines for the implementation of Eid al-Adha prayers during the adaptation of new habits to the committee for Islamic holidays.

Spokesperson for the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 Reisa Broto Asmoro conveyed guidelines on how to safely carry out the sacrifice and Id prayer.

The first thing that must be done when carrying out a sacrifice is to be careful in choosing where to buy sacrificial animals.

Second, pay attention to health protocols. Third, maintain distance when interacting at the location of the sacrificial animal sale.

"Avoid shaking hands or direct contact even after a price agreement has been reached with the seller," said Doctor Reisa.

Spokesperson for the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 Reisa Broto Asmoro (Photo: BNPB documentation)

Sacrificial slaughter activities can be carried out but still comply with health protocols, such as maintaining cleanliness, maintaining distance, and avoiding crowds. With the intention of avoiding the crowd, the distribution of sacrificial meat this time was not using coupons, but through the coordinator who would deliver it to the houses.

The MUI and the government have suggested that Eid prayers be held in areas where the risk of spreading is low.

The Eid prayer committee must coordinate in advance with the local government and must implement health protocols, including first, limiting the number of doors or channels of entry and exit.

Second, provide a place to wash hands. Third, conduct health checks on congregations. Fourth, they are required to wear a mask and bring their own prayer equipment. Fifth, set the distance between congregations at least one meter.

Sixth, do not run alms boxes or solicit donations directly. Seventh, children, the elderly, the sick are allowed to attend Eid al-Adha prayers at home only.

"Make sure we comply with MUI and government guidelines and apply discipline in ways to prevent transmission of COVID-19. Happy Eid al-Adha 10 Zulhijjah 1441 Hijriyah, still care, keep sharing and protecting each other," said Reisa.