Finally, The Palace Also Sent A Surpres To The TNI Commander To The DPR, Who Is Jokowi's Hero To Replace Hadi Tjahjanto?

JAKARTA - The question of who will replace Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto as TNI Commander will soon be answered. The palace has officially sent a presidential letter or a Surpres to the DPR leadership.
The letter that has been awaited for several months is confirmed to be sent to the DPR today, Wednesday, November 3. The Surpres will be delivered directly by the Minister of State Secretary Pratikno to the Chairperson of the DPR, Puan Maharani.
After the letter was sent, now the mystery of the name President Jokowi will choose has emerged. There are two names that have been predicted as strong candidates.
There is Kasad General Andika Perkasa and Kasal Admiral Yudo Margono.
A number of DPR members are divided by these two names. The palace is also reportedly continuing to study who should be chosen to replace Marshal Hadi.
However, several sources narrowed the choice to Admiral Yudo Margono. But not a few also say that General Andika has a strong chance to become commander in chief.