Agree With Metro Jaya Police Chief, East Jakarta Police Terminate Raimas Backbone Account

JAKARTA - East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Erwin Kurniawan supports the steps of the Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran in forming a special team for night patrols.

"We fully support it. The training is planned to be carried out centrally at the Polda Metro Jaya. We will wait for the technical aspects," said the Chief of Police to VOI, Tuesday, November 2.

In addition, Kombes Erwin also conducted an evaluation related to the incident that had gone viral internally. Therefore, his party also terminated the Raimas Backbone account.

"We stopped Raimas Backbone's account. For us to evaluate, do not let the direction of the Regional Police Chief go wild. Then we can do whatever we want without any control from the Police," he said.

Despite being frozen, patrol units are still carrying out day and night patrols as an effort to maintain public security and order (kamtibmas).

"It needs to be understood, patrols are always carried out. At the Polsek there are patrol units, at the Polres there are motorized vehicle patrols and it continues. So actually the name Raimas is part of Sabhara's duties. Every day members continue to patrol according to their duties," said the Chief of Police.

Previously, it was reported that the Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran immediately formed motorized personnel or two-wheeled patrols that were devoted to providing security at night and taking action against street crimes.

This special team will be formed by Polda Metro Jaya next week. Later the team will be given special training and tasked with securing the city of Jakarta starting at 22.00 WIB until 05.00 WIB.

"So people who hear his name already pee in their pants. Creating heroes in protecting the capital needs to be done together," said the Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Pol Fadil Imran to reporters, some time ago.