General Sigit Says Will Be Born A Leader Figure From Children Affected By The Pandemic

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo provides psychosocial assistance to children affected by COVID-19. Namely, children who have lost their parents due to COVID-19.

Based on data, 29,822 children have lost their parents due to COVID-19. This assistance certainly gives a glimmer of hope for orphans or orphans.

"Because we know that among our children there are those who have lost their fathers, mothers, and some have even lost their fathers and mothers. Of course, this will have a huge impact on our children," Sigit told reporters, Tuesday, November 2.

Assistance is given because it is certain that children who have lost their parents experience great shocks. Well, said General Sigit, the state must be present in their midst. Children are the nation's assets.

"Of course all of us, representing the country, must be present to ensure that our children who have lost their families can still grow normally and be active like our other children," said Sigit. In fact, Bhayangkara Corps will always encourage them to achieve their goals.

"They must be able to get their wishes, we can deliver them to be able to realize their dreams, of course that is the hope of all of us," said Sigit.

Sigit also believes that from the thousands of children, a candidate for the nation's successor will be born. In fact, it is possible that some of them will become Indonesian leaders in the future.

"We also do not rule out the possibility that from them there will be a leader who will lead Indonesia in the future," said Sigit.