SURABAYA - Drug trafficking in Madura Island, East Java, is rampant even from across countries. The head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), Komjen Petrus Reinhard Golose, said that he would hold a massive raid.

"We have spoken with the East Java Regional Police Chief to hold a joint operation to eradicate drugs in Madura", said Petrus, in Surabaya, Thursday, April 1.

Petrus said that this step was an effort to eradicate drug trafficking in Madura. Madura is often the target of drug dealers from across the country.

"At least it can eliminate drug trafficking, especially some time ago East Java BNNP (Provincial National Narcotics Agency) officers were prevented from arresting narcotics traffickers in Madura", he said.

In the operation, said Petrus, BNN together with the East Java Regional Police will also cooperate with related parties in East Java. BNN will take precautions and empower the community, so as not to be tempted by these prohibited items.

"So we hope that by empowering or empowering, both the BNNP and the Central BNN can create synergy between law enforcers, including all stakeholders, and the people", he said.

Petrus also appreciated the Head of the East Java BNNP, Brigadier General Idris Kadir, for making an integrated assessment team, for a rehabilitation program that could save the nation's children.

"We are not only doing hard power but also the prevention and community empowerment. This is proven by the activities we carry out with several stakeholders, such as this rehabilitation is very important", he said.

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