Member of Commission V DPR RI Tubagus Haerul Jaman provided several inputs to improve transportation services ahead of Eid which will take place from April 2023.

This was stated by Tubagus after the Specific Working Visit (Kunspik) of Commission V of the DPR RI to PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry and the Ministry of Transportation, Banten Province, Thursday, February 9.

He said, a number of additional facilities strategies were prepared by PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) to welcome the potential for an increase in the flow of Merak Port users, Banten.

"Yesterday, PT ASDP prepared Nataru and then we have to improve this (widow homecoming) preparation into an experience. This must continue to be anticipated and most importantly in the long term ahead of Eid al-Fitr 2023," said Tubagus.

On the other hand, Tubagus assessed that PT ASDP needs to build coordination with relevant stakeholders starting from the Ministry of Transportation, Korlantas Polri, Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, to the local government.

This is in order to evaluate what was lacking from the Nataru holiday experience yesterday.

"I hope there are no obstacles, which will not happen with past experiences, this will be smooth for the preparation and readiness of the upcoming Eid day," explained the politician from the Golkar Party faction.

Meanwhile, Director of Commercial and Services Yusuf Hadi, said that in anticipation of an increase in facilities at Merak Port ahead of Eid 2023 transportation, three scenarios would be designed.

First, improving facilities through the addition of parking spaces in Cikuasa Atas Munic Land (for areas outside the port) and adding parking spaces at 8 locations within Merak Port, namely through the purchase of land and demolition of ASDP offices (for areas inside the port).

"Second, the capacity of Merak Port will increase, approximately 1,840 small vehicles. Third, (the scope of synergy between agencies), is the expansion of 1 direction of the Cikuasa Atas arterial road," he said.

Responding to that, Tubagus added, the transfer of stations will certainly encourage logistics services to be more effective because it has a positive impact, where logistics transportation is getting closer to reaching Krakatau Steel and Ciwandan (logistical route).

"Then in the transfer of the Merak Port train station, where the local train will stop at Cilegon Station, and the journey of passengers who will cross is followed by DAMRI to Merak Port," he said.

He hopes that with the transfer of the train station, the improvement of facilities at the gaug port can run well and can prepare a number of strategies to support the smooth flow of Lebaran homecoming, especially in the mode of crossing transportation.

"For this reason, hopefully when this is prepared, hopefully it can run smoothly, the most important thing is not to let obstacles occur, such as accidents when you want to get off or get off the ship but, and I hope that in April the sea waves will not be high," he concluded.

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