JAKARTA - Every country has its own food characteristics. Even so, it turns out that there are foods from several countries that are similar to each other. Starting from the shape, how to make it, and also the taste. An example that we often encounter is noodles. Many regions have their own unique noodles, and some countries do too.

There are four Southeast Asian countries whose noodles are well-known, but have different names and shapes. In Indonesia, the most popular is chicken noodles, while Japan has ramen. It's different again in Korea which is famous for ramyeon. In fact, these three dishes are the creation of Chinese noodles, namely lamian.

This time, Siniar VOI will discuss the typical noodles from various countries that are almost the same. Please hit the listen button and we'll tell the story for you. To further increase your knowledge, here are pictures of some of the noodles discussed here, VOI this time:

1. Lamian

Lamian (Kirk K / Flickr)

2. Ramen

Ramen (Pikist)

3. Mazemen

Mazemen (Foodie Buddha / Flickr)

4. Ramyeon

Ramyeon (Wikimedia Commons)

5. Chicken Noodles

Mie Ayam
Chicken Noodles (Wikimedia Commons)

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)