JAKARTA - The draft Personal Data Protection (PDP) Bill is still in debate. It is feared that the incompleteness in the design will become a rubber article, just like the ITE Law. Fear of becoming a new problem arises.

We spoke with Fajar Jaman, a founder of Data Science Indonesia and CEO of IYKRA who has been working in the data sector for the past 10 years. He said that when referring to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which is already in effect in Europe, the PDP bill seems to have adopted the GDPR. However, Fajar said that the adoption has only reached 40%, even though the PDP Bill is scheduled to be completed in 2021.

Redaksi Bicara Bersama Fajar Jaman
Fajar Jaman (CEO of IYKRA and founder of Data Science Indonesia) talked about the PDP Bill

If you look at the current draft PDP Bill, Article 16 Paragraph 1 regulates exceptions for Article 8, Article 9, Article 10, Article 11, Article 12, and Article 14. All rights listed in these articles do not apply to defense and security interests. national, the interests of the law enforcement process, the interests of monitoring the financial services sector, monetary, payment system and financial system stability, as well as the public interest in the framework of state administrators. This article can become a rubber article if it is not clearly formulated. Fajar Jaman also conveyed the fear of the occurrence of this rubber article.

Siniar VOI this time discusses one of the results of the conversation between the VOI team and Fajar Jaman, namely about what polemics can occur in the PDP Bill and what are the shortcomings of the PDP Bill. Please hit the listen button and we'll tell the story for you. Look forward to our next conversation with Fajar Jaman here at the next VOI.

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