JAKARTA - Chairman of the Nasdem Party Surya Paloh has a target to be the winner of the 2024 Legislative Election. This target exceeds the Party's achievement in the 2019 Election which is in fifth position.

"NasDem is targeting no longer the top three but God willing, with the movement and massiveness from the DPP level to the branch called DPD, we are targeting the NasDem party to be in the number one position," said the Head of Media and Public Communication for the NasDem Party DPP, Charles Meikyansah at JIexpo Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, Monday, 11 November 2019.

Paloh mandated his son, Prananda Surya Paloh, to become Chairman of the Nasdem Election Winning Body (Bappilu). This position is an important position in determining a winning strategy.

Although Prananda Paloh is relatively new to politics and has only served as a member of the Indonesian Parliament for the 2019-2024 period, NasDem is confident that Prananda can win his party to be the winner of the election.

Chairman of the DPP for Beginner and Millennial Voters, Nasdem Lathifa Anshori, said that Prananda's lack of track record does not mean that NasDem is less optimistic about winning the top position in the 2024 Pileg.

According to him, in 2019 there are more than 50 percent of first-time voters (17-22 years) and millennial voters (23-38 years) who have election voting rights.

"The trend of beginner and millennial voters in 2024 is also very high. Therefore, it is only natural for Nasdem to pay attention to trends that will occur in the future," said Lathifa.

"Nasdem wants to provide the right and right combination that the combination of senior politicians and young politicians can be powerful," he added.

Furthermore, Nasdem's confidence could win the 2024 Legislative Election based on the votes acquired from previous elections. In 2014, Nasdem only got 36 seats in the DPR. Furthermore, the seat acquisition was increased to 59 seats.

"This means that all possibilities can happen as long as we do with hard work, with the involvement of the heart to perpetuate the best," he said.

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