MEDAN - Video of a house being torn down with heavy excavator in Serdang Bedagai, North Sumatra, went viral on social media. This house demolition is said to be related to household matters.

Head of Tanjung Beringin Sub-District, Serdang Bedagai, Syafruddin, confirmed the demolition of a house in Mangga Dua Village. From the information received by Syafruddin, this house demolition was allegedly due to a dispute between the old wife and the young wife.

"Because it's a household problem, between husband and wife, that's about it. From the residents, it was the house of the second wife (which was torn down), ”said Syafruddin, confirmed by VOI, Saturday, August 8.

The demolition incident of the young wife's house with an excavator took place on the afternoon of Tuesday, August 4. When the sub-district came to the location, the houses of the wives of the two villagers were leveled to the ground

"We went to the field and it turned out to be level with the ground," he continued.

According to Syafruddin, there were no residents in the house when the excavator broke it. He also did not know where the old wife was when the young wife's house was torn down.

"Because we came when it was leveled to the ground," he said.

Regarding where the excavator was obtained to knock down the house, Syafruddin admitted that he had not received the information. When the house was torn down, residents were busy watching around the house.

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