
We have discussed the legality principle of strong drugs in "Strong Medicine and the Principle of Legality". Previously, we have also discussed various other matters regarding strong medicine, how it becomes a symbol of power that has a strong relationship with patriarchal culture. Not only used by those who need it because of medical problems, strong drugs are used by an audience that feels very broad. The final article from VOI's signature series, "Strong because of Drugs", we will look at the true benefits of using tonic drugs. No matter how useful it is, should we use it? Or is there a more correct way?

By taking strong drugs, men can feel manly and confident when they are having sex with their partner. However, the use of the effects of this powerful drug actually has various effects for those who use it.

The most severe impact of using this powerful drug is death. As happened in Mojokerto. Kariono (48) suddenly died while staying with his girlfriend, Mujiati at a hotel in Kembangsore Village, Pacet District, Mojokerto Regency.

Kariono was found dead naked after having sex. After being examined, Kariono later died of a strong drug overdose.

"The initial suspicion could be an overdose due to the consumption of certain drugs, it could also be due to a heart attack," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Mojokerto Police, AKP M. Solikhin Ferry, as we quoted from Suara.com, Friday, January 24.

Doctor Boyke sexologist Dian Nugraha said cases of death like this are common, because the heart is usually not strong with the dose of drugs that enter the body. This occurs due to an increase in the dose of strong drugs taken by users. Because if it is carelessly, strong drugs can be like drugs whose use dose is getting higher.

"The dose is getting higher and higher, as long as he does not change his lifestyle, including diet, ... the dose (which is used carelessly) will be higher. Like the drug he continues to increase, at first the dosage is 25 grams, 50 grams, 100 grams. "200 grams doesn't work," said Doctor Boyke when VOI met him at his clinic, Jalan Tebet Raya Timur Dalam, South Jakarta, last January 13.

Strong drugs may be called opium. Because sexologist Zoya Amirin told us that she had a conversation with a 30-year-old man who had always used strong drugs since the first time he had sex at the age of 27 and had never tried sex without drugs.

"I asked since when had I been taking this (strong medicine), 'since 27 years'. Even though 27 years old is still strong. ... He said,' yes, basically every time I have sex with my girlfriend, crush, I always have to take medicine. strong because it's the first time I've been drinking ', "said Zoya recounting the meeting to us some time ago.

Hearing this story, this sexologist was actually surprised. Because at a very young age, the man should be able to show his sexual performance without the help of drugs. After all, Zoya said, it could be that strong drugs add to their vitality but in the future, their strength is at stake.

Because, the longer they use strong drugs, the suggestion of having to take medication during sex will continue to stick to their heads. In fact, in addition to using chemical drugs such as drugs containing sidenafil or tadalafil, the effect of helping prevent premature ejaculation can be done by using herbal medicines. However, Zoya argues, the use of this herbal medicine is only a placebo effect or mere suggestion.

"Most of the herbs were suggested or placebo, he drank first, second was successful," he said.

Another Zoya, another doctor Boyke. According to him, in addition to using chemical drugs, herbal medicines such as Tongkat Ali, Pasak bumi, Purwoceng, and various other herbs can actually be used as another way to fight premature ejaculation.

It's just that the herbs to be consumed must be included in the list of drugs that are allowed to circulate from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM). Because, according to Boyke, some herbs that are claimed to increase vitality have no medical facts.

"Most of them buy herbs that sometimes have no medical facts, like cobra bile, what's the connection? Nothing. A raw monkey's brain has nothing to do with it, or it is scraped by crocodile fish, bada horn, right? there is, "he stressed.

"But for purwoceng, pasak bumi, san rego there is research that is referred to as nutritious herbs and usually the factories that actually issue them already comply with BPOM (standards)," he added.

However, instead of buying chemical and herbal medicines, Boyke's doctor then suggested that those who want to cure premature ejaculation could improve their lifestyle. For example, by always checking your health, stopping staying up late, smoking and exercising diligently.

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