
JAKARTA Instagram launched a fairly important feature in the Direct Messenger (DM) section. Instagram users, who often access DM, can now send messages to other users on a scheduled basis.

According to a TechCrunch report, this feature was released without any notification on the platform's website or official account. Once this scheduled message delivery feature is found, Meta has just confirmed that it has just released its features for global users.

To schedule messages, users only need to type messages as usual, then press the send button until the scheduled message pop-up appears on the screen. Users will see a date and time option that includes hours and minutes.

Instagram provides a very long date limit. Users can schedule messages for the day after tomorrow, next week, or even next month. To select a date, users only need to shift the date up and down.

The same method applies to the desired clock and minute selection. If Instagram users have set the date and at what time the message wants to be sent, they can press the Send button on (selected time information).

Later, the scheduled DM will appear at the top of the message field. Users will see a row of bubble chats that have been created and they can reset their messages with three options, namely Send Now, Copy, or Delete.

If you select Send Now, the automatic scheduling option will be lost and the message will be sent immediately. Meanwhile, the Delete option will cancel the message that has been scheduled. This option is useful for users who want to change the message back.

This message scheduling feature seems to be released through the server side so that all Instagram users will get the feature. If you haven't seen this new capability, make sure that the apps you use on iOS or Android are the latest version.

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