JAKARTA - WhatsApp groups often function as a medium to connect with family and friends in one place. More than 2 billion people have used Mark Zuckerberg's instant messaging application.
However, have you ever been invited by other people to enter a WhatsApp group that you don't know the inhabitants of? For matters of selecting which groups can be invited, WhatsApp actually has provided the feature. You do this by clicking the Account menu then selecting Privacy.
Next, select Groups and three menu options will appear to limit who can invite us to the group, such as Everyone, My Contacs and My Contacts Except.
That's a way to prevent group entry. But, if you want to leave an uncomfortable group without hurting the feelings of the person who invited you, what do you think? We provide tips and tricks on how to leave a WhatsApp group.
1. Delete data
The following method is actually often done by some people to clean applications from unused data. Well, cleaning data on the WhatsApp application can be an alternative way that can be used to get out of annoying groups.
The first step, you can immediately select Settings. Then, go to Manage Applications, then look for the WhatsApp application. Next, click delete data from your WhatsApp application. After that, log back in to the application which is completely clean of any data.
Keep in mind, this method also requires you to log in using a new sim card. If you are still logged in using the old data, WhatsApp will automatically re-enter you into the group.
2. Change phone number
This one trick is lucky if you don't have an interest in using the number registered on the WhatsApp application. You can just replace the old sim card with a new one.
Then, register again into the instant messaging application using your new number. This method, of course, has proven very effective in helping you avoid annoying WhatsApp groups.
3. Backup number
This method is almost similar to the number change method. However, this time it looks like it will save you from losing important contacts on the cellphone too. You can replace your WhatsApp account list with a new number that has never been registered on WhatsApp.
To do this, enter the WhatsApp settings menu, then select the Account menu then click Change Number. Later you will be directed to register the new number and will automatically leave the WhatsApp group.
However, if you feel you need something in the group, you can repeat the Change Number thing by registering the old number you want to use.
Please note, this way you will also automatically leave groups that you still want to visit such as family or office groups. So after you do this, ask one of the members to invite back into the desired group.
You can immediately do all the tips and tricks above if you feel uncomfortable with the groups in your WhatsApp application. But all of these methods have advantages and disadvantages, it is up to you how you choose them.
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