
Pertamina Patra Niaga formally introduced the latest variant, Pertamax Green 95.

Pertamax Green 95 is an oil fuel consisting of a mixture between Pertamax fuel and ethanol.

For Pertamina, the advantage of Pertamax Green 95 at a price of Rp. 13. 500 per liter is fuel with a mixture of gasoline and biofuel.

Nicke Widyawati as the President Director of PT Pertamina narrated that Pertamax Green 95 is a manifestation of Pertamina's commitment to supporting Indonesia's national strategy with a target of a 31 percent renewable power mix in 2050 and supporting the achievement of Indonesia's Net Zero Emission in 2060.

Unfortunately, at this time, not all regions can feel the performance of Pertamax Green 95 at a price of Rp. 13. 500 per liter.

There are also currently only 2 regions that are given the opportunity to sell Pertamax Green 95, including gas stations in Surabaya and Jakarta.

"Pertamax Green 95 is Pertamina's milestone in developing and providing biofuels for gasoline types, without neglecting the best quality for residents," said Nicke.

Pertamax Green 95 saat ini memiliki ethanol sebesar 5 persen yang diungkapkan masih masuk dalam kategori nyaman serta masih cocok dengan spesifikasi internasional.

Nicke hopes that Pertamax Green 95 will also bring about the multiplier effect for the Indonesian economy.

Not only that, Pertamax Green 95 is expected to be an opportunity for global market penetration for SOE products.

Pertamina Patra Niaga, projects that the demand for Pertamax Green 95 in Java Island can reach more than 90 thousand Kilo Liter (KL) per year, as well as the need for ethanol for this projection, which is 4.800 to 5 thousand KL per year for this time.

One of the advantages of Pertamax Green 95 is that RON is bigger so that it has a better performance.

Not only the advantage of performance in vehicles, Pertamax Green 95 is expected to increase empowering sugarcane farmers who are the lower ingredients of ethanol.

Riva Siahaan as President Director of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga said that Pertamax Green 95 already has a commercial permit and is sold starting at 10 gas stations in Surabaya and 5 gas stations in Jakarta at a price that competes with RON 95 gasoline.

"We will see how Pertamax Green 95 consumption trends, and we will project a gradual development plan again," Riva said.

There are also gas stations that sell, among others, Jemursari, Soetomo, Mulyosari, Merr, Ketintang, Karang Asem, Mastrip, Citra Raya Boulevard, Juanda, and Buduran gas stations. For Jakarta, Pertamax Green 95 can be purchased at gas stations MT Haryono, Fatmawati 1 and Fatmawati 2, Lenteng Agung, and at gas stations Sultan Iskandar Muda Kebayoran.

So after knowing the advantages of the firstx green 95, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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