
RevComm, a Japanese technology company, introduced MiitTel Meetings, artificial intelligence (AI)-based technological innovation that encourages the effectiveness of online meetings.

MiiTel Meetings is capable of recording, transcription, and automatic voice analysis in online meetings. This innovation has been available to Zoom platforms since July 2022, and has also supported the Microsoft Teams platform since May 2023 to accommodate various types of online meetings.

Not only that, RevComm also continues to update the solution by adjusting the needs of customers, so that currently MiitTel Meetings can also be used on the Google Meet platform.

The expansion of the range of use of MiiTel Meetings is expected to encourage business effectiveness in more companies, including in communication activities with customers, business negotiations, interviews with new candidates, as well as internal communications within the company.

MiitTel Meetings has a variety of advanced features in it, such as analytical features of conversations with AI, which allow users to view conversational flows, replay, and comment on specific moments in conversations, as well as be able to analyze conversations ranging from intonation, frequency, to sound speed which can then be a guide for evaluation and self-coaching.

MiiTel Meetings is also able to transcript voice automatically into text, so that it can help save time and energy in making summarys, notes, and minutes of meetings that can be shared with the team.

In addition, MiiTel Meetings is also integrated with telephone systems and CRMs such as Salesforce which allows the management of online meetings with customers centrally.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)