
YOGYAKARTA - Zakat fitrah is a zakat of the soul (zakah al-nafs). This zakat was issued at the end of Ramadan and before Eidul fitri prayer. Paying zakat fitrah can now be done online through BAZNAS (National Zakat Amil Agency). So, how much zakat fitrah? How to pay zakat fitrah online at BAZNAS? Check out the full information below.

According to the official BAZNAS website, zakat fitrah must be fulfilled by each soul, provided that:

Zakat fitrah must be fulfilled by every Muslim man and woman in the form of rice or staple food weighing 2.5 kg or 3.5 liters per person.

The leading Egyptian cleric, Shaikh Yusuf Qardawi, believes that zakat fitrah can be paid in the form of money. The value is equivalent to 1 sha' wheat, dates or rice.

According to Mazhab Hanafi, the payment of zakat fitrah can be done by paying the price of the staple food that is eaten.

The nominal zakat fitrah, which is paid in the form of money, adjusts to the price of rice consumed.

Referring to the Decree (SK) of the Chairman of BAZNAS No. 07 of 2023 concerning Zakat Fitrah and Fidyah for the capital areas of DKI Jakarta Raya and its surroundings, it is determined that the value of zakat fitrah is equivalent to Rp. 45,000 per day per person.

Payment of zakat fitrah can be paid at the beginning of Ramadan and no later than the Eid prayer. Meanwhile, the distribution of zakat fitrah to mustahik or groups that are entitled to assistance from zakat is carried out no later than before the Eid prayer (before the preacher goes up the pulpit).

Please note, BAZNAS is the official government agency tasked with collecting and distributing zakat, infaq, and alms (ZIS).

Muzakki, who wants to pay online zakat fitrah at BAZNAS, must first fill in personal data such as full name, telephone number, and also email.

Here's how to pay zakat fitrah online on the BAZNAS resi page:

This is information about how to pay zakat fitrah online at BAZNAS. Read on VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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