
JAKARTA - Studio Wildcard has announced that the launch of ARK 2, a sequel to its first game, will be postponed until the end of 2024, because it wants to provide the best experience for its players.

"After careful consideration, we have decided to postpone the launch of the sequel until the end of 2024, as it will still be launched exclusively on Xbox, Game Pass, and the Windows (Steam/PC) distribution platform," the developer wrote in an announcement on its official website.

Furthermore, the studio also revealed that this delay aims to make ARK 2 the best game and provide a truly extraordinary and useful experience for the players. Studios also plan to use Unreal Engine 5 in all developer processes.

"And we aim to make the most of this cutting-edge technology while making games with unprecedented coverage at the Wildcard Studio," he added.

Although there is no definite schedule for its release, the miner will provide his fans with information about the development process by regularly displaying more ARK 2 assets in the months to come.

"ARK 2 will also have some significant design changes from the original game, which may not make it attractive to everyone, therefore we find it important to give players a new generation of players a full-fledged version of the original experience to ensure that fans can continue to enjoy the Arks they know over the years to come."

Whenever launched, ARK 2 will bring together players from PC, Xbox, and PlayStation in the next generation version.

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