
JAKARTA - As the oldest app in audiobooks services, Audible is currently testing to present ads in audiobooks for free users.

In the FAQ on the Audible aid website, the company confirmed that it is currently conducting limited testing of ad support for non-members, and does not apply to paid members.

Furthermore, the company also said that the trial was conducted on a limited basis to several Audiobooks, podcasts, and Audible Original titles.

However, Audible did not publicly disclose whether later they would launch subscription packages that support advertising at lower prices, or not.

"Currently we are conducting limited testing only for non-members who provide ad-supported access to a series of limited Audible titles," the company wrote, quoted Friday, March 31.

Adding advertisements to music streaming services or podcasts like this is not the first time this has been done. Spotify and other apps have implemented this method first.

By presenting advertisements to its services, Audible is dedicated to continuing to optimize their way of delivering audio programming to listeners anywhere.

"Over time, Audible is testing new products and services to gain knowledge of the growing needs of our customers and partners," he explained further.

In this limited test, listeners may hear about 8 advertisements within 24 hours. In addition, Audible also ensures that ads are not heard too often in a short period of time.

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