
JAKARTA - Soon we will witness the parade phenomenon or the alignment of five planets under the Moon, right on Tuesday, March 28.

The five planets include Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus at sunset. Some of them were seen earlier on Friday last week and will appear clear this week.

"If you come out, just at sunset, right after sunset and look west, you'll see these planets stretched in lines extending about 50 degrees or more," said NASA's meteoroid environment office leader Bill Cooke.

Phenomenmenone seperti ini biasanya muncul beberapa tahun setiap atau lebih, dan sebagian besar bisa dilihat dengan mata terbuka, bahkan di daerah kota yang memiliki banyak cahaya.

The planet's parade can be seen in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Of the entire planet that is marching, the most visible is Venus.

Referred to as a night star, Venus is the brightest object in the night sky besides the Moon. Uranus himself will appear parallel to Venus when the phenomenon progresses with its greenish color.

Under Venus and Uranus there will be Jupiter and Mercury, floating just above the horizon. Mercury may also be difficult to catch without special equipment, as the Sun's glare can cover the planet.

But the two planets will be visible about 20 to 30 minutes after sunset. While Mars, sits on a straight line from Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Uranus, and the Moon.

It's very easy to see Mars because of its distinctive orange color. To see this phenomenon online, you can download the Sky Tonight or SkySafari app.

It is known, this phenomenon does not only happen once. Previously in June 2022, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn lined up in a rare sequence, the same as their natural position from the Sun for the first time since December 2004, as quoted from CBSNews.

It will next happen again this year including April 11 and then in the summer on August 24. The alignment of the other five planets Mercury, Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune, and Saturn can also be seen on June 17.

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