
JAKARTA - As one of the biggest games to be released in 2023, ahead of its June launch, the XVI Fantasy Final has resulted in very high hype levels and excitement for its fans.

Looking at the resulting hype, Square Enix wants to maintain that momentum. In the PAX East panel that GamingBolt recently discovered, the developer revealed a new trailer that shows off world gameplay and its exploration, as well as featuring new details about its battle, Eikon's battle, and much more.

In addition, the developer has also confirmed beforehand that when you play by activating Quality mode, the XVI Fantasy Final will run on 4K and 30 FPS.

Meanwhile, if you play it with Performa mode, it will run on 1440p and 30 FPS. Even so, Square Enix's plan to add other graphics modes still needs to be seen in the future.

Pada bulan November tahun lalu, Direktur Final Fantasy XVI, Hiroshi Takai mengatakan bahwa pemain akan menghabiskan waktu sekitar 30-40 jam untuk menyelesaikan permainan Final Fantasy XVI.

"Dedicate yourself solely to history You can finish the game in about 35-40 hours," he said in an interview conducted some time ago.

Meanwhile, Final Fantasy XVI will be released for PS5 on June 22, with a demonstration expected to launch about two weeks before release. Square Enix also wants to bring the game to PC, but it won't be in the near future after its PS5 launch.

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