
JAKARTA - In today's digital era, information can be obtained by anyone and anytime. However, it was processing and presentation that made the data valuable.

Netray, an artificial intelligence platform developed by an Indonesian technology company called PT Atmatech Global Informatics since 2017, has made it a new business.

As a big data processing platform, Netray provides analysis services sourced from netizen talks, both from social media (Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook) as well as other online media.

It comes from the abbreviation of the Internet and X-ray. By meaning, Netray is a company that scans or analyzes data on the Internet.

The results of the analysis from tens to millions of media users will then be presented on a dashboard that is tailored to consumer needs, either depicted in a graph, narrative, or so on.

There are clients who ask for specific keywords, but also sometimes we give certain keyword suggestions. The issue is what we want to do, we recommend keywords a, b, and c. This is also a form of education for clients," said the Chief Technology Officer of Netray, Linggar Primahastoko, quoted Monday, March 27.

In addition, Netray also provides real-time analysis. In politics, this method serves to view the electability of candidates through social media or online media.

So, when a negative opinion is found there, the candidates can carry out certain programs so that the opinion turns positive.

The need for social media analysis, especially in political parties, is one of the considerations of PT Atmatech Global Informatics in establishing its business.

Establishing this business is not easy for Netray. The company even admitted that it did not have clients. However, a few months later the projects began to arrive.

Netray also provides services with retail models. That is, clients can still get one keyword analysis for one type of social media at affordable prices. So that clients who still want to use this type of service do not feel heavy in paying. Eceran models are usually charged starting from IDR 300,000 for one keyword.

Meanwhile, for general packages, even with fairly exclusive specifications, the price could be around Rp. 70 million. However, the cost can be more flexible and unlimited, depending on demand, complexities, and difficulties.

Although Netray sometimes relies on moments such as regional elections or presidential elections. However, their market widening turns out to make the types of clients even more diverse. Starting from small and medium businesses that want to self-analysis the market, to the use of big data in the academic world.

Klien from the academic field who is interested is even from social science. They want to see what kind of netizens are. Rich in the past, they had researched how the effect of online schools from home, viewed from the media monitoring, "explained Linggar further.

Seeing the movement in the community, Netray not only wants to be a media monitoring, but can be done in every way regarding big data analysis.

"Even for data that is not sourced from portals that are guarded by Netray, for example, agencies have large data, Netray can help analyze it," he said.

This then makes the data source very flexible. Moreover, the public is increasingly aware of the use of technology like this. All policies or decisions, currently many are based on data. Especially with artificial intelligence (AI) support that allows data processing to be more varied.

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