Smartfren And Xingtera Strengthen Indonesia's Digital Transformation Through 5G-Based IoT Solutions
Smartfren signed the MoU with Xingtera Inc. (Photo: dock. Antara)


JAKARTA Smartfren and Xingtera Inc., providers of Artificial Intelligence of Things (AioT) solutions from the United States, officially signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at starting a partnership to realize Indonesia Industry 4.0.

The agreement, which took place in early March on the sidelines of the Mobile World Congress 2023 at Barcelona, is expected to have a positive impact on the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and IoT-based devices for industries in the country.

Attended by Smartfren Chief Technology Officer, Shurish Subbramaniam, Xingtera Inc. President and CEO, Smartfren Chief Commercial Officer, Andrijanto Muljono, and Smartfren Chairman Franky Widjaja. This collaboration is intended to realize digital transformation and industry 4.0 in Indonesia.

This collaboration will focus on introducing advanced technology and cloud-native 5G system solutions from upstream to downstream (end-to-end) that have been proven. Our goal is to help manufacturing companies in Indonesia accelerate the realization of the promise of digital transformation, then at the same time play a role in accelerating the way to realize Indonesia 4.0," said Yuqing Niu, President and CEO of Xingtera Inc. in a train received in Jakarta.

The agreement also confirms Smartfren's commitment to Xingtera in supporting and developing solutions, artificial intelligence applications, autonomous manufacturing, and others.

The hope is that the implementation of this solution can strengthen Smartfren's position, especially for Smartfren Business business units which have always consistently provided various industrial solutions 4.0 for companies (enterprises) or micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

Our focus is on creating innovative technologies in terms of automation with technology development for companies and MSMEs. Through this collaboration, we want to explore various new potentials in industrial technology, one of which is based on 5G technology," said Alim Gunadi, CEO of Smartfren Business.

Yuqing Niu added that he also expressed Xingtera's happiness, as a provider of global AIoT solutions, to be able to contribute to industrial revitalization in Indonesia in realizing Indonesia's 4.0 target.

"We hope that this project in collaboration with Smartfren can be implemented soon," Niu concluded.

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