JAKARTA - The game developer Digital Entertainment Asset (DEA) presents a card and puzzle game called JobTribes. The game allows players to earn additional income running on blockchain transactions.
JobTribes is a game with an RPG Card Battle system that can be played on a smartphone or PC browser. The platform also uses a cryptocurrency that has been produced since last year under the name DEAPcoin.
DEAPcoin can also be converted into other crypto assets and legal means of payment (such as rupiah). This cryptocurrency has also been registered and traded on several platforms, one of which is INDODAX in Indonesia.
"We provide entertainment content for free and what you get in this game can be used in real life. This provides income opportunities for gamers," said technopreneur Naohito Yoshida, developer of DEAcoin.

Yoshida said the DEA offers something different, in which users can generate cryptocurrency which can then be exchanged for cash.
Crypto money collected can also be traded at Digital Art Auction, which allows players to interact with other users through art and comic collections.
"I am very excited to be able to combine gaming and animation with blockchain technology which will become a new industry trend in the future," he added.
Yoshida, also known as Goro-san among game developers, is the founder and owner of three companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange - Celebrix Holding, Zaparas and EOLE. He believes that this game can attract players' interest, as early as 2021.

There are several approaches that the DEA offers to the JobTribes game. Given the concept presented in the form of Play to Earn or play to earn income.
The battles in this game are like the Trading Card Game, where we can use unique characters representing each type of job (Job) to beat cards on the opponent's deck.
Each deck consists of 6 usable cards. Each card has a different 'Budget' to provide attack damage, support skills to win the battle.
So you need the right strategy to be able to beat the enemy card until it doesn't remain. The reason is that if your funds run out, it will certainly affect the Palecoin nominal to convert DEAPcoin crypto money.
The JobTribes game is also available in Indonesian. Interested in playing can access the link https://jobtribes.playmining.com/en/
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