
JAKARTA - The dissolution of the Indonesian Telecommunication Regulatory Body (BRTI) received harsh criticism from various parties. Given that the agency's duties are closely related to the community telecommunication sector.

A former member of BRTI and Chairman of the Mastel National Broadband Infrastructure Sector, Nonot Harsono said that the dissolution of the institution made the role of the community in drafting regulations diminish.

"What is missing is the Telecommunication Regulatory Committee (KRT), namely representatives of the public, namely people selected from professionals who are considered capable of carrying out regulatory and supervisory functions or overseeing the policies of the Minister of Communication and Informatics (Menkominfo) or the government," said Nonot when contacted by VOI. , Monday November 30th.

"So that when BRTI was disbanded, only the leadership (thinker / determinant) element from the community representative element was lost, and the community did not have a representative in the telecommunications regulator. Is that considered important," added Nonot.

It should be noted, KRT acts as a formulator of telecommunications regulations, which aims to provide input to the government or the Ministry of Communication and Information to determine telecommunications regulations in the public interest.

Nonot means, with the dissolution of the BRTI, the public will not have direct representatives regarding telecommunications regulations at the Ministry of Communication and Information. The absorption of public votes by the Ministry of Communication and Information in regulatory settings, in the future, will only be limited to public consultations held by the Ministry of Communication and Information.

Nonot said, the role of BRTI will be carried out by the Ministry of Communication and Information which consists of three Directorate Generals namely PPI, SDPPI, and APTIKA.

"BRTI is a virtual name, because BRTI is actually the ranks of the Directorate General at Kominfo plus thinkers and leaders from community representatives," said Nonot.

Previously it was reported that the government decided to dissolve 10 non-structural state institutions of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 112 of 2020. Apart from BRTI and BPT, others such as the Surabaya-Madura Regional Development Agency, National Research Council, Food Security Council, Standardization Body and National Sports Accreditation, The Indonesian Hajj Supervisory Commission, the National Industrial Economy Committee, the National Commission for Seniors, and the Indonesian Professional Sports Agency.

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