
JAKARTA - Member of Commission I DPR RI Sukamta conveyed public complaints about role play to the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo), during a working committee meeting on the Personal Data Protection Bill (RUU PDP). According to him, the games favored by children often intersect with adult content.

"Regarding games for kids, which are being fun for elementary, middle and high school children, the name is role play (RP). Actually (the community's) wants are good, for example, role play pretends to be a KPOP singer, pretends to I see. But the administrator, the controller filled it with adult themes, he was free to send pornographic pictures, continue to have pornographic conversations, you know, sir, "said Sukamta as quoted by Antara, Monday, November 30.

The Role Play game, said Sukamta, has troubled the public, especially mothers. They asked Sukamta to monitor their children's activities that lead to games being played by creating fake characters on social media. Even if necessary, such games can be blocked (banned) by Kominfo.

"If necessary, it can be blocked, yes, banned. Role Play, yes, there are many (parents) who send and complain (to the DPR)," said Sukamta.

This was responded to by the Director General of Informatics Applications (Dirjen Aptika) of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) Samuel Abrijani Pangerapan. The man who is familiarly called Sammy said that he would follow up on reports from the community.

Role Play is a medium to channel fans' love for their bias (idols) by being biased itself. It doesn't have to be exactly like the original bias.

The game players (role players) generally show a personality like their bias. And maybe as much as possible show the original characters in their 'real world' life.

However, they can do anything by imagining themselves as being imitated by updating the status of activities / activities that are being carried out recently on social media using a fake account with the biased name (chara).

This activity is interesting because the players like to act or pretend to be the figure of the idol and dramatize their life as what the players want.

To play RP, players can register with the agency in charge of administering their accounts so that the level of play can be calculated with the achievement targets they have done with this method.

Here, many problems arise. Because there are also role players who use their chara accounts to look for the opposite sex, or form romantic story plots that contain adult content.

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