JAKARTA - A game developer from Bandung, Agate, is reportedly preparing a new game entitled Tirta . This game is said to be present for a number of platforms, including the PlayStation 5 (PS5).
Launching IGN , Tirta took a cultural background in Bali as the focus of the story. Players will be invited to go on an adventure exploring ancient ruins and solving puzzles.
Based on the video footage, the gameplay from Tirta looks quite similar to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of Wild or maybe Genshin Impact . The difference is, Agate packs this game in a unique nuance to Indonesian culture.
Agate as the developer said that this game was made to further introduce Balinese culture as a whole which is thick with sacred places and rituals on the island.
So far, Tirta is still in the development stage which is planned to be released in 2022. Not only can it be played on the PS5, Tirta's game will also be able to be played on PS4, PC and Nintendo Switch.
Agate itself has been known as a local studio that often works on games with Indonesian nuances, customs and culture. As for some of the popular games made by the local studio, such as The Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story , Code Atma , and Esports King.
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