
YOGYAKARTA Swimming is one of the activities that is quite safe and fun. However, these activities must be carried out carefully because there are still risks that must be taken into account. The risk of injury while swimming can be quite dangerous because it is done in water.

In general, swimming injury is a condition in which swimmers experience problems with their anatomy caused by swimming activities. The risk of a swimming injury that may be experienced is as follows.

The risk of injury in the form of cramps is often experienced by swimmers, both beginners and athletes. Kram during swimming usually occurs in seconds and even minutes. Usually cramps are felt in the arm or leg area.

Kram occurs during swimming due to sudden muscle stretching, namely contracting to cause pain. Muscles in certain areas of the body will be stiff, fast, painful, and difficult to move. One way to anticipate cramps during swimming is to warm up before swimming. In addition, swimmers must maintain the elasticity of the body's muscles and eat healthy foods.

This injury occurs due to stretching on the neck muscles. When this injury occurs, the muscles feel hot and sore. Neck injuries while swimming often hit swimmers who do chest styles or other styles that require them to keep their necks above the surface of the water, or other movements such as turning the neck to take a breath.

How to anticipate neck injuries while swimming is to keep the head and spine level. If this happens, there is no need to panic, just do a compress using ice covered with towels on the neck area.

Swimming exercise involves a lot of arms and shoulders so this part is quite prone to injuries. Swimmer's shoulder injuries usually arise in the form of muscle pain on either the right shoulder, left, or both simultaneously. Freestyle swimmers usually often suffer shoulder injuries.

When a shoulder injury occurs, don't force yourself to stay swimming because it will exacerbate the wound. Do compressing with ice and then take a break from activities involving hands such as lifting weights. If the pain is unbearable, you can consume pain relievers for a while before checking yourself with a doctor.

Severe shoulder injuries and not immediate treatment will cause labrum tearing

Swimmer's shoulder that is heavier, if left unchecked, can cause a torn labrum, namely a prone bone between the edges of the bone of the bed and a hump from the bones of the upper arm. Labrum itself serves as a cushion so that pain does not occur when the two bones are frictional.

Robekan labrum is very likely to happen to athletes who ignore his injury. If this tearing occurs, athletes must rest and perform healing with the help of a doctor.

Knees also have the potential to suffer injuries when athletes swim in the style of the chest. The reason is that the chest style relies on legs enough to be able to move in the water. When the feet are moved carelessly, while the energy released is not controlled, the knee has the potential to suffer an injury. Usually, the knee injury will be accompanied by pain to swelling.

That's information related to the risk of injury while swimming. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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