
YOGYAKARTA - The best Futsal is important for each coach to pay attention to every game. Because, by sorting out the best futsal formations, each player can work well until victory is also obtained. Want to know the best futsal formation of all time?

Of the series of formations in futsal exercise, at least some are considered the best. Here are some of the best futsal formations as quoted from various sources.


The Y 1- 1- 2 Formation

The type of formation that you also often see in futsal matches is formation 1-1-2. Basically, the 1-1-2 formation is one of the best futsal formations that you have to try. This is because the 1-1-2 formation is quite efficient in attacks.

It's only natural that the team that uses the 3-1 formation that incidentally is solid in defense after that shifts to formation 1-1-2 to launch a counterattack against the opponent. So, this formation consists of 2 attackers in front, 1 balance in the middle and 1 player as the anchor behind.

The Diamond Formation 1- 2- 1

You don't need to hesitate to find the perfect formation in a futsal match. You can try the best futsal formation, namely the 1-2 formation which is able to balance the attacking and defensive strength. In other words, this formation is quite a balance in futsal games.

The implementation of the 1-2 formation requires 1 player who is located in the opponent's zone so that he focuses on attack, 2 players in the middle of the field whose job is quite flexible, namely helping to attack and defend, and 1 other player is behind, more precisely the defense zone of his own team.

In addition, the advantage of the 1-2 formation is to allow your team to control the ball. This can help players in widening their game and making it easier to attack opponents from both sides of the field.

Formation 0-4

In contrast to the 4-0 formation which focuses on defense, the 0-4 formation is more focused on attack. In this formation there are 4 players located in the opponent's field zone so that they can optimize tactics to attack enemy defense.

In fact, practicing 4-0 without using other variations is quite risky because it leaves the defense zone unguarded except for goalkeepers whose competence is above average. But there is no guarantee when the enemy immediately controls the ball and attacks intensively.

For this reason, it is necessary to combine some of the best futsal formations in matches to be more varied. You can combine the use of the 0-4 formation with other alternatives such as 1-1 2, 3-1 or 1-2-1. The formation alternative will balance the attacking and defending tactics.

Formation Of Hail Mary 1- 3

Not only formation 0-4, there are more formations that focus on attacks such as formation 1-3. In formation 1-3, there are 3 players located in the opponent's zone and focus on attacking opponents. One player behind the center line focuses on defense.

Formation 1-3 is indeed quite efficient in attack strategies and is quite flexible when you want to change to other formations. In urgent conditions, you can change the formation from 1- 3 to 1- 2- 1 formation. Changing variations 1- 3 to 1- 2-1 is indeed perfect.

Hold on

The Box 2-2 Formation

Apparently the 2-2 formation is not only the best futsal formation but also a very popular formation because most futsal teams practice 2-2 formations. This is because the 2-2 formation is perfect for attacking or defending.

Some people call the 2-2 formation as a square formation because the 2nd position of the players in the front zone and the 2nd player in the back zone looks like a box. This square formation requires good communication between players so that it is more supportive in attacking or defending

In a situation where the opposing team is very strong and the two defenders are unable to stop their attack, so one of the players in front must help the defense quickly. Likewise, in carrying out the onslaught, one of the defenders can help.

This strategy is very fitting if the 2 forwards are quite strong in fighting one on one's enemy. Front players are also required to have the ability to shoot the ball accurately and have a large speed of running.

The Formation 4- 0

What is the 4- 0 formation like? The 4- 0 formation is the best defense strategy because it consists of 4 players who are located behind the middle line. The purpose of this formation is to protect the goal itself as much as possible by blocking enemy attacks.

Can you win only by always using the 4- 0 formation? Therefore, a team does not only practice one formation. In the middle of the game, you can try other variations such as 1- 1- 2, formations, 3- 1 formations, or 1- 2- 1 formations.

Parking The Bus 3-1 Formation

There are indeed many futsal formations, one of which is the 3- 1 formation. In the 3- 1 formation, there are only 3 players who stand parallel in the defense zone. On the other hand, 1 player is in charge of being a single striker or man's target.

Another name that refers to 3-1 is the wall because this strategy focuses more on defense or defense to the maximum. This strategy is quite safe and efficient if a team has excelled and only focuses on protecting the goal so as not to concede.

In the middle of the game, this formation may be able to change to another formation. Generally, the team that practiced the 3-1 formation at the beginning, when they started attacking they could change to 1-1-2 or 1-2-1 formation. The change of formation is only a variation according to the current situation.

In fact, the 3- 1 formation prioritizes defense by placing 3 players at once behind. This formation is very suitable for teams that have 3 players in the anchor type. Trainers must be smart in identifying the type and ability of people before carrying out a formation.

The Pyramid Formation 2-1-1

Another strategy in balancing attacks and defense is to practice the 2-1-1 formation. Two players are behind, 1 player is in the middle and 1 is in front.

You must recognize the ability of each player to create what formation is very efficient.

So after knowing the best futsal formation, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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