
YOGYAKARTA Futsal is one type of big ball game played by two teams on the opposite footing. However, the position in the futsal game is different from football.

One futsal team only contains 5 players and the ball rollout is faster than football. Because the ball rollout in futsal is faster, each player must rotate often.

Well, in this article, the position in the futsal game and its duties on the field will be discussed. Read continuously until it runs out, yes!

Summarized from various sources, the position in the futsal game consists of four, namely goalkeepers, anchors, pivots, and flanks. Here's the explanation.

Similar to football, in futsal there is also a goalkeeper or goalkeeper position. Goalkeepers are tasked with preventing the ball from entering the net. A player who plays goalkeeper is shown to use both hands to touch the ball while still inside the goalkeeper's area.

A goalkeeper must have a good reflex to ward off and guess the direction of the ball coming.

Not only that, goalkeepers must also have the ability of one on one with opposing players, especially the small field making the kick gap short. Thus, goalkeepers must ramp up hard kicks from close range.

Anchors are players assigned to defend and organize attacks. If analogized, anchors are a mix of defenders and midfielders in football games.

A futsal player who plays as an anchor must have good skills in terms of possession of the ball. The reason is, an anchor has two responsibilities, namely defending and initiating attacks.

Flank is a futsal player operating on the left and right sides of the field. In futsal, the existence of flankers is very crucial, because the main task is to build attacks and become a link between pivots and anchors.

Because playing on the left and right sides of the field, flankers must be able to send more varied passes to other players. A flank must also be good at reading opportunities and player movements to score goals or just provide feedback.

No less important, the flanker must have a good individual speed and ability. Just like the wing position on football, the flank must be an expert in outwitting opposing players with their individual skills.

Posisi dalam permainan futsal yang terakhir adalah pivot atau penyerang. Pemain ini memiliki tugas untuk mengonversih peluang menjadi gol.

In addition to carrying out attacks, players in this position must also be the first fort when opponents start building attacks.

There are a number of skills that must be controlled by a pivot, namely good ball control, ability to break through the opponent's defense, as well as hard and directed shooting.

A pivot is also required to be smart and fast in making decisions. This player is a pure striker like a soccer striker.

That's information about the position in the futsal game. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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